Writing Clinic "How to Publish Article for International Journal"

November 4, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Saturday, 4 November, 2017. MIP held writing clinic with the theme “How to Publish Article for International Journal” at Room 303 on 3rd floor, Postgraduate Building UMY. The speakers in this writing clinic are Halimah Abdul Manaf, Ph.D. from Universiti Utara Malaysia and Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Si. from Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. More than 30 students from Master Program of Government Affairs and Administration UMY and S3 of Political Islam UMY participated in this event.

In her explanation, Ms. Halimah Abdul Manaf stressed to the students to always write that becomes a habit. She also said that when writing becomes a habit, the publication of articles in international journals will become easier. In addition, she also explained step by step in writing articles in accordance with international standards. Therefore, MIP UMY hopes with the writing clinic, the students are expected to be able to produce best quality articles so that the articles and research results of students can be published in international journals.