UMY 2019 Summer School has been opened, as a promotional event

July 24, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Monday (07/22) Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University helped the integrated opening ceremony for seven vocal summer schools. This is the first and largest opening ceremony in Indonesia. The opening began at 9 am by holding a parade by the participants and continuing the welcome speech from the Chancellor of UMY, Dr Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP who said about the history of the Muhammadiyah, UMY movements and also the summer school program at UMY. He stated that Muhammadiyah is the most significant Islamic movement that focuses on Education, Health, and currently, Muhammadiyah also focuses on disaster management. Also, he claimed that UMY is the most diverse university in Indonesia that has received several students from various countries and religions so that UMY is a multicultural campus. Gunawan also stated that UMY is the most friendly campus for international students in Indonesia by having several types of summer schools. Moving to the next agenda is to open with a straight gong that rings by Prof. Dr Achmad Nurmandi as vice-chancellor of international cooperation and relations.
After the ceremonial session, the event continued with a speech from several UMY summer school participants. First is Muhammad Salah from Egypt who joined INSS or the International Nursing Summer School. He stated that the role of Nurse was necessary now because there were so many wars and unexpected moments. Salah also said that INSS is one of the leading summer schools in the medical field; some of his friends also joined INSS. Also, he likes to know many cultures that will make him open-minded. Wrong like traditional Jogja food and clothing.
On the other hand, the SLCS Summer Course on Law and Sharia participants, Nur from Malaysia also stated that he loved Jogja’s culture. He likes the architecture of the Gedhe Kauman Mosque, which is a mixture of Javanese, Hindu and Islamic religions. Nur also tried to sing Cublak-cub lake sewing and even spoke Javanese. “Sugeng Rawuh ing the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is a village,” said Nur.

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