Thesis Writing Workshop and Panel Research MIP UMY

October 2, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Saturday, September 30, 2017. MIP UMY held a thesis writing workshop and panel research for MIP batch 12. This activity aimed to improve the quality of the MIP UMY student theses. In this workshop, Erni Zuhriyati, S, IP., M.Si as secretary of MIP gave tips and tricks on how to write a good and correct thesis. In this workshop also, Dr. Dyah Mutiarin, M.Si as the head of the MIP program explained how the thesis writing process in MIP UMY works. She also explained that a student thesis must collaborate with supervisors for it to be considered panel research. In addition, in this workshop, the head of the program also emphasized the graduation requirements of students with mandatory publications in accredited international or national journals. At the end of the workshop, MIP students presented the theme of the researches they look forward to study and the thesis follow-up plans.