March 25, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Internationalization of higher education is defined as a process at the college where the purpose, functions or delivery of integrated education with an international component. Coverage includes the development and innovation of curriculum, faculty and student exchange, development of study programs, the availability of facilities and an international standard of learning technology, research and joint publications.
The cause of the growing internationalization of higher education is categorized into two, namely: demand and supply factors (Knight 2004). Market demands for global labor with international qualifications make education service users seek qualified institutional and can be provide among globally. In the suggestion of information technology and communications support to the internationalization of education specialization. Supply and demand factors became stronger with deregulation and trade liberalization, including the services sector.
The act of Ministry of Higher Education and Research Act regulated higher education institutions from other countries (foreign universities) involving State University (PTN) and Private University (PTS) in the country. According to article 50 of Law 12 of 2012 on higher education stated that international cooperation of higher education is a process of interaction in order to integration of the international dimension in academic activities to used by role in the international area without losing the values ​​Indonesian culture.
International cooperation should be based on the principle of equality and mutual respect to promote science and technology human values ​​that are beneficial to human life. According to the regulation of ministry of education  number 14 of 2014, the cooperation should be balanced between the two sides. Also the cooperation is intended to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, creativity, quality and relevance of higher education Tri Dharma (Regulation of Education Value) that lead to improved the competitiveness of nation. The strategies that can be taken as follows:

  1. The government and society should take an open and positive attitude. In the whole world is going on progress towards deregulation of higher education, even if at different speeds across countries. Expansion of the idea that the functions of higher education services is a shared responsibility between government, local government and the community. Private individual institutes and commercial educational institutions from abroad are also given a great opportunity in the provision of such services by taking into account all the interests and national objectives.
  2. Approach to quality assurance and accreditation according to international standards. Universities must seriously develop and implement quality assurance programs full-cycle quality assurance the program Continued with international accreditation of programs of study, and the unit organizer of higher education such as departments and sections.
  3. Improving the national accreditation system into a regional accreditation system utilizing the network of regional and international universities.

To build these strategies, Master of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Government will organize a Workshop Curriculum Towards International Accreditation and Dual Degree Program.
The target of in the International Curriculum workshop and the Dual Degree launching is to give understanding to other universities to be able to carry out Dual Degree to provide capacity and capability to students to compete internationally. In addition, it is expected that with this workshop other Universities and especially UMY can be better known both nationally and internationally.
The Registration Fee for Participant are Rp. 300.000 (included seminar kit, certificate, workshop material, APSPA material, lunch and coffee break), before march 30, 2019.
For Registration Form, Please Click here
Please download here for the materials
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