Public Lecture: Governance Reform in Indonesia

November 25, 2016, oleh: superadmin

whatsapp-image-2016-11-25-at-11-04-16-amFriday, November 25, 2016. MGAA UMY held public lectures related governance reform in Indonesia. As many as 44 MIP students participated and followed the public lectures. As for who becomes speaker is the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Center Dr. Haedar Nasir.  In this public lecture, he explains about the paradigm and the context of governance reform. He also explained there is abuse of authority against the bureaucracy. Therefore, the required reform of the bureaucracy, which creates changes in the structure even though it is not easy to change the structure of bureaucracy which needs along process. In addition, he explained that the importance of understanding the sociology of politics in Indonesia. despite improved against the human development index which is much compared to some ASEAN countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.