PTM Postgraduate Association Holds National Conference and 9th National Conference at UMM

December 17, 2019, oleh: superadmin

The Association of Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah College Postgraduate Program (APPPTMA) held a national conference at the Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM), Saturday, (12/14). The conference, which was attended by postgraduate students and lecturers from 24 Muhamadiyah-Aisyiyah universities throughout Indonesia, brought the big theme ‘Humanization of Science and Technology’.
“This conference, in addition to discussing issues of humanism, also serves as a glue and comparison of thoughts that will be run with the vision and mission of Muhamadiyah in developing postgraduate programs,” said UMM Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Syamsul Arifin in his remarks.
The conference presented four speakers from APPPTMA members, namely Jamaluddin Ahmad from Muhammadiyah University Sidenreg Rappang (Sidrap) and Ribut Wahyu Eriyanti from Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM). Then Adi Mansar Lubis from the Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra and Muhammad Azhar Yogyakarta Muhamadiyah University (UMY).
The speaker Adi Mansar Lubis explained, there were three points discussed on the results of the derivation of a large theme. One of them is about the reconstruction of the education system where there need to be revisions that are harmonious about humanity. In this case, citizens must obtain knowledge and make it as a seed. “What we will care for is in harmony with technological advances,” Lubis explained.
According to him, technological developments in Japan have now begun to launch “Society 5.0”. This means that people have lived in a sophisticated technological environment. Then it can harmonize life and adjust its potential so as not to lag behind the progress of Industry 4.0.
Regarding this conference, Chief Executive Mokhamad Najih explained, participants were required to make scientific work. The work will later be published as output in proceedings or journal writing. According to Najih, currently, there are 132 scientific works that have been entered.
“And only 58 papers can be published according to the standard. This endeavor is to improve the quality of publication output, “said Najih.