UMY Held the Third Graduation Ceremony

July 30, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Saturday, July 29, 2017. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta held the 3rd graduation ceremony for the students of undergraduate program, postgraduate Program as well as doctorate program. The event was held in the building of Sportorium Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The number of graduates, for this commencement exercises, was as many as 1947 students consisting of undergraduate program with 1816 graduates, postgraduate program with 104 graduates, doctorate program with 5 graduates, and vocational program with 22 graduates. In this graduation day, the Master Program of Government Affairs and Administration has 8 graduate students. Besides, the best graduate as well as the best thesis was awarded to Ayatullah Hadi. MIP hopes that the eight MIP students would be successful in their careers and would contribute positive ideas for the nation and the country in the future.