MIP/MGAA UMY Gratitude Celebration

February 1, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Tuesday, 31 January 2017, to realize a sense of grateful to Allah Almighty upon MIP’s achievement which has accredited A, MIP UMY held gratitude celebration to Allah SWT. The celebration took place in Warung Ndeso Ingkung Jawa Bantul. The head program of MIP/MGAA UMY, Dr. Dyah Mutiarin in her speech stated that the activities of this gratitude celebration is not merely a ceremonial event only, but more important is as a form of gratitude to Allah SWT. Because of his permissions, our hard work for the MIP to achieve accredited A has paid. In addition, this accreditation has significance for the MIP to enhance capacity of department and students to achieved the internationalization of  MIP. This event attended by the lecturers, the staff, MIP alumni and the MIP students itself.