MIP UMY Student as one of Speakers at Public Discussion with KPU RI

October 7, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Thursday, 05 October 2017. KPU DIY held Public Discussion with the title “The Role of Community in Successful General Election 2019” together with Community Care for Elections and Democracy DIY in Collaborative Space Anthology at 14.00 – 17.00 WIB. In the discussion, Pangky Febriantanto, S.IP as the Student of MIP UMY batch X became one of the speakers together with Wahyu Setiawan, S.IP, M.Si (Commissioner of KPU RI), Dr.rer.pol. Mada Sukmajati, M.PP (Lecturer of DPP UGM), and Wais Alqarni, S.IP, M.A (Coordinator of KPPD DIY Community).

In his presentation, Pangky reported that the DIY Communities could become strategic partners for KPU. Specifically, in collaboration with electoral political education for disabled and youth, being a regional election observer, and also conducted political education in the mass media. Pangky also conveyed his experience as a speaker in various electronic media, when he became the organizer of elections Yogyakarta City 2017 which was ad hoc (PPK districts), and when his writing was published in print media. For the future, Pangky encourages human resources community to join as an organizer in the 2019 election, both on ad hoc and on the permanent base election committee.