MIP UMY Held Writing Clinic for MIP Lecturers

November 9, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Thursday, 9 November, 2017. MIP held writing clinic for MIP lecturers with the theme “How to Publish Article for International Journal” at Room 306 on 3rd floor, Postgraduate Building UMY. The speakers in this writing clinic are Halimah Abdul Manaf, Ph.D. from Universiti Utara Malaysia. This writing clinic is held for 3 days started from 7-9 November 2017 and as a form of cooperation between MIP UMY and COLGIS UUM. In other hand, this writing clinic also has participated by lecturers from other department. In her explanation, Ms. Halimah Abdul Manaf encourage to the MIP lectures to always write and publish their articles for international journal. In addition, she also explained step by step in writing articles in accordance with international standards. Therefore, MIP UMY hopes with the writing clinic, the MIP lecturers are expected to be able and motivate to conduct a research in order to improve their publication for international journal.