MIP Chapter: Social Media and Politics

May 4, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Thursday, May 4, 2017. MIP UMY held MIP Chapter with the topic discussed, “Social Media and Politics”. At this time, Anwar Kholid, S.IP., M.IP is the speaker explaining about political participation through social media in the presidential election of 2014. He explained how political participation is the main component within a democratic system. He also explained how social media is a powerful tool in order to control and monitor the government. In addition, social media is very useful, but at the same time it possibly could be dangerous in some cases. In Indonesia, it is difficult to control the social media since so many ideas are being posted every time and this poses big challenges for the society in filtering the information from the social media. The society could just believe the report or article without analyzing the report if it is the truth or it is fake. Each person who is connected to the internet can give their opinion and critics through social media that reflects the existence of cyber democracy. He also mentioned how social media becomes a Public Sphere in the network society that there is freedom of expression, collaboration, and free media. This discussion was also followed by the Thai Students from KKU who shared their ideas about social media utilization in Thailand.