MIP Chapter: Elections in Democracy Countries

March 10, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Thursday, 9 March 2017. MIP UMY held MIP Chapter which discussed elections in democracy countries. In this time, Tunjung Sulaksono, S.IP., M.Si as the speaker explained that the general election is one of the instruments that is still an option for democracy countries in the election to choose president, the people’s representatives (DPR and DPD), and governor or urgent. The election became a coveted together if the progress is running in a democratic way by meeting the norms that exist. Despite the fact, the electoral journey often stuffed by the interests of the elite. He also explained the election is meant as elite circulation process that takes place periodically and democratically. Since the first election, Indonesia still practices proportional system. However, the most important of the election is to put forward the interests of the people by way of protecting the rights and sovereignty of the voters in the electoral laws and electoral systems.