MIP and Ahmad Syafii Maarif School UMY in Cooperation with BNPT Conducted a FGD: Prevention of Terrorism in Indonesia.

July 19, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Wednesday, July 19, 2017, MIP and Ahmad Syafii Maarif School of UMY conducted a Focus Group Discussion with the theme “Prevention of Terrorism in Indonesia”. This FGD is an effort to respond to the many cases of terrorism in Indonesia that disturb the public. The act of terrorism should be studied from its causes, mechanisms for prevention, and efforts to find solutions and interventions, especially for Muhammadiyah. This activity was opened by Brigadier General Pol. Ir. Hamli, ME, the Director of Prevention of National Agency for Counter-Terrorism (BNPT). In addition, the keynote speakers in this FGD were Prof. Dr. Ahmad Syafii Maarif, Prof. Dr. Syaiful Bahri, S.H., MH, Dr. Sri Yunanto, Kurnia Widodo, ST, Prof. Dr. Munir Mulkhan. The participants of the activity were from various academic institutions, from UIN, UMY, and UGM. The activity is an academic forum of countering terrorism through mainstreaming, idea-sharing, and focused discussion.