MGAA Holds National Seminar on Diversity and Unity

September 23, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Friday, September 20, 2019, the Masters of Government Affairs and Administration in collaboration with the Independent Election Awareness Committee (KISP) held a National Seminar with the theme “Millennial Knitting Diversity and Unity” in the DPD DIY Building (Jln. Kusumanegara No.133, Muja Muju, Umbulharjo District, Kota Yogyakarta, Prov. Yogyakarta Special Region) by inviting several speakers: Muhammad Afnan Hordikusumo (DPD RI member) as a Keynote Speaker, explained how the DPD RI as a representative institution could provide education on the importance of the role of millennial/young generation to maintain unity and how Millennials should take steps in maintaining unity and stability.
This event was attended by several student and youth organizations throughout DIY (BEM UNY, UGM, PDPM, GMNI UMY, APMD, IPD, UIN, MMTC, YDC, PSI, IMM, SAPMA PP UMY, WBC, MIP Chapter and KISP) as an effort to discuss the problems faced by the Indonesian people in the perspective of young people, strengthen the kinship in maintaining the integrity of the nation and state, foster a sense of nationalism to the Millennial Generation especially in the era of distortion, and to make young people aware of the importance of maintaining unity and unity.
Representatives of Kesbangpol DIY gave a presentation related to the role of Kesbangpol institutions in maintaining unity, what must be done by Millennials in DIY, as well as the critical role of Millennials in preserving the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia
Ir. H. Ahmad Syaugi Soeranto (Asprov PSSI DIY), explained the phenomenon of the younger generation who like a fuss especially in supporters who involve young people become victims, giving essential messages to Millennials to maintain unity and how the role of millennial generation reacts to it. To maintain unity and welcome a better age.