MGAA Becomes the Bendungan Village Apparatus Selection Team, Kulon Progo

December 3, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Saturday 30 November 2019. UMY Government Masters Study Program in collaboration with Bendungan Village, Wates District, Kulon Progo Regency. successfully held a selection of Village Apparatus with the formation of the Head of the development and empowerment section, the head of public affairs apparatus and assets and 4 hamlets consisting of kuncen hamlet, hamlet sanggrahan kidul, hamlet dondong and hamlet Lor dam. The selection process was carried out at the Bendungan Village Hall with a total of 57 participants. The event was opened by Ngadiyana as Chairman of the Selection Committee and Dr. Dian Eka Rahmawati, M.Si as the Chairperson of the Exam. The event was attended by elements of government from the Wates Subdistrict, Wates Koramil, Bhabinkamtibmas Wates Village, Wates Police Station, and Wates BPD.
Chief Executive Ngadiyana witnessed the opening of the question sheet which was still sealed before being distributed to the selection participants. The value calculation process was carried out transparently and witnessed by all selection participants together with the Committee and the Witness Team from the District of Wates. This shows that the principles of transparency and accountability in the selection of village apparatuses have been carried out well by the Implementation Team, the UMY MIP Study Program. The purpose of the selection is to get the best candidate for one position. Through this selection process, all stakeholders involved hope that whoever is chosen will provide the best service and commitment to the development of the village as well as to the community of Wates Village in general. (AS)