MGAA Achieved the Highest Value in Internal Quality Audit 2018/2019

August 21, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta  (08/20) Annual Evaluation of UMY subordinates held in AR Fakhruddin B Meeting Room, 5th floor. This agenda evaluates the performance of each unit at UMY including the Master of Government Study program at the graduate level program with 48.85 score the end of this A + makes Master of Government Science ranked first. This data was delivered by UMY’s rector, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP and its rank. This is an annual agenda that is used to measure workload and performance from the previous year, and also plan for the same for the following year. MIP wins for each indicator; there are six indexes used for evaluation this year. Six of them are scores, maximum scores, performance scores, accreditation, financial scores, and final scores. By adding up every 6 barometers, it can be said that MGAA is the best Postgraduate program at UMY 2019.