Masters in Government Science, Kupas Bung Karno and Muhammadiyah

December 17, 2019, oleh: superadmin

YOGYAKARTA – Master of Government Science and Political Islam-Political Science Doctoral Program at Muhammdiyah University Yogyakarta (UMY) again held a monthly Muhammadiyah seminar at the UMY campus, Saturday (12/07/2019). This time the theme of Bung Karno, Api Islam and Muhammdiyah.
This seminar was to unravel Bung Karno and Islam, especially Muhammdiyah, through open and critical academic studies.
Four speakers were presented at the event, namely former Chairman of Muhammadiyah Syafii Maarif; former Head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), Yudi Latif; Professor of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM, Prof. Bambang Purwanto and Chair of the UMY Political and Political Science Doctoral Study Program UMY Zuly Qodir.
In his presentation, Syafii Maarif said that Bung Karno, as the figure of the Indonesian Proclamation, had close links with Muhammadiyah. When the Dutch were exiled to Bengkulu in 1938, Bung Karno became an administrator of Muhammdiyah and even married Fatmawati, the daughter of a local Muhammadiyah figure.
“When he was exiled to Bengkulu, Bung Karno was active in Muhammadiyah, teaching and giving courses,” Buya called Syafii Maarif.
Another speaker, Yudi Latif, said that since the age of 15, Bung Karno had joined the Muhammadiyah organization, namely when he was living at the Hos Cokroaminoto home in Surabaya.
“At the Cokroaminoto HOS house there is a mosque and always holds routine recitation once a month. It was there that Bung Karno began to learn what Islam was, but in the next trip he was more engrossed in politics, “he explained.
UGM Professor of Cultural Sciences Bambang Purwanto said Bung Karno was a bookish person. This is because his interest in science is so high, making him an outstanding national figure.
While the chair of the UMY Islamic Political-Political Science studies program, Zuly Qodir stressed the importance of studying the history of Sukarno and Muhammadiyah, to dispel false perceptions that had developed in the community.
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