Master of Government Affairs and Administration is ready to go to ISO 9001: 2015

July 25, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta, July 24, 2019, the Quality Assurance Agency held an ISO Camp, which is a Training and Preparation of ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System documents at Cavinton Hotel, Yogyakarta. Present at the event Deputy Chancellor 1 for Academic Affairs Dr Sukamta, Head of External Quality Assurance Division, BPM Mujiyana, S.H., M. Hum., Chair of the Study Program, Secretary of Study Programs, and Staff at the Postgraduate University of Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta. This event is a continuation of the ISO CAMP event which was held on April 29-30 2019. At the first ISO, Camp focused on the document, at the second ISO Camp event to the preparation of SOPs in the Study Program, both S2 and S3.
The Vice-Chancellor 1 for Academic Affairs said that we are no longer for the introduction of SOPs, but for the preparation of formal documents, each study program must have an SOP following their particular needs, seven standards must be prepared 1. Standard Results, 2. Standard Content, 3. Process Standards, 4. Assessment Standards, 5. Human Resource Standards, 6. Infrastructure Standards, 7. Management Standards and 8. Financing Standards. ISO aims to clarify the task, authority and responsibility of the officer/employee concerned, protect the organization/work unit and officers/employees from malpractice or other administrative errors, to avoid failures /mistakes, doubts, duplications and inefficiencies.
The benefits of SOPs that are good SOPs will be guidelines for implementers, become communication tools between implementers and supervisors, and make work completed consistently, Workers will have more confidence in working and know what to achieve in each job, SOPs can also be used as one of the training tools and can be used to measure employee performance, added Sukamta.
Master of Government Affairs and Administration has seen and mapped out what SOPs must be in the program, there are 51 SOPs consisting of 18 on standard 1, 9 on standard 2, 5 on standard 3, 1 on standard 4, 14 on standard 5, 2 on standard 6, 4 on standards 7 and 1 in standard 8. In the preparation of the SOP using the Narrative Model, Flowchart, Tabular Model and Combined Model.
It is hoped that through this activity, we will at least strive to provide the best services and create proper management or governance standards. What is produced in this activity is expected to be realized and can bring changes to the organization (AS)