Indonesia in the Debate of Multi Perspective: Social Politics, Economy and Religion

January 2, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Friday, 23 December 2016, MGGA hosted a discussion of the end of the year in order to address the situation of Indonesia. As the keynote speakers in this discussion are Prof. Dr. Buya Syafii Maarif, Prof. Mochtar Mas’oed, Prof. Dr. Usman Sunyoto, Prof. Purwo Santoso, Ph.d, Prof. Dr. Munir Mulkhan and Dr. Busro Muqqodas. Discussion of the end of the year 2016 was organized by Master program of Government Affairs and Administration UMY and Doctorate program of political Islam UMY.

In the discussions, it has declared that Indonesia Muslims would depend on the Muhammadiyah and NU as a buffer. If the two largest people slipping, then Indonesia Muslims in danger. Muslims should open but also critical and not easily provoked and not easy emotions.