Family Gathering and Reflection of the Postgraduate Program in the 22nd Anniversary

December 17, 2019, oleh: superadmin

In tightening the hospitality ties, the Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University Postgraduate Program held a Family Meeting and Reflections on the grounds of the Postgraduate Building which were attended by structural officials, teaching staff, and education personnel both still serving at UMY or not, on Friday (11/29) night. This event also commemorates the 22nd year UMY Postgraduate Anniversary Program, although it actually fell last August.
Since it was first present in 1997, the UMY Postgraduate Program has different leadership, currently led by Ir. Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, ST., MSc. Eng., Ph.D., PE. Throughout its existence, the Postgraduate Program also has seven Masters’s programs and three doctoral programs.
Of all the things that have been passed, Sri Atmaja likened the UMY Postgraduate Program as an ark filled with important elements to achieve shared goals. “The purpose of holding this event is as a venue for mutual hospitality, and the Postgraduate Program is likened to the ark that we paddle together, which we discuss together, towards the ideals of benefit, success and also enjoyment. Namely a full director, both directors to friends cs and security staff. All of them were important in the journey of the UMY Postgraduate ark to 22 years. ”
Therefore, Sri Atmaja emphasized that this network of togetherness must continue to advance the UMY Postgraduate Program. Although there is no doubt that the dynamics of postgraduate is extraordinary, dismantling pairs of positions of structural officials, staff, lecturers, and employees is so dynamic. “It shows the need for the graduate movement to become more dynamic, increasingly difficult for their duties and responsibilities. University Leaders also provide a fairly thick line so that Postgraduate must provide benefits not financial but in the form of excellence with each study having to be accredited A, “he added.
UMY’s Postgraduate struggle in the future will be even tougher, with early ideals becoming increasingly superior in Southeast Asia in accordance with UMY’s Postgraduate vision. “We can achieve success and success by working together, working hand in hand, working hard, working smart, and working sincerely. We hope that together with the Postgraduate Program, we can become the face of the Muhammadiyah association, our storefront going forward as a gateway to achieving new, critical and constructive thinking in order to achieve the best national and global rankings, “concluded the Postgraduate director, Sri Atmaja. (Hbb)