DAAD Germany in collaborate with Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and Universitas Kristen Indonesia held the International Seminar about Gender Responsive Leadership in Higher Education Management

March 18, 2020, oleh: superadmin

The realization of gender-responsive leadership in various sectors in Indonesia still faces problems. One of them is in the education sector, which can be seen in gender disparities in various levels of leadership in tertiary institutions. The minimal number of women who occupy the top leadership in tertiary institutions proves that the representation of women’s voice in policymaking in tertiary institutions is still low. Starting from this, the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY), in collaboration with The German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD) of Indonesia, the University of Applied Science Kiel and the Christian University of Indonesia (UKI), held a Workshop and Seminar on DAAD Alumni with the theme Gender-Responsive Leadership in Higher Education Management, on 15-19 March 2020 at Kalyana Resort Kaliurang, Yogyakarta. The Gender Seminar was supported by the Research Institute, Community Service and Publications (LP3M) of UMY, the Master of Science (MIP) Study Program, and the Study Program of S1 – Government Science at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). The DAAD representative was represented by Dr. Britta Thege from the University of Applied Science Kiel. The Gender Seminar was attended by 21 DAAD alumni from various tertiary institutions in Indonesia and at the Kalyana Hotel Kaliurang Yogyakarta on March 15-19, 2020.

In this Gender Seminar, the Vice-Chancellor for Cooperation and Internationalization of UMY, Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc., stated that women’s leadership needs to be encouraged in tertiary institutions so that women are able to be equal to men in top positions in Higher Education. On the same occasion Dr. Gatot Supangkat, MP. as the Head of LP3M UMY said that women basically have the same leadership capital as men to lead. Women’s leadership characteristics such as strong leadership, consistency, and creativity become the characteristics of women in carrying out their duties in various positions. Chair of the Gender Seminar Committee Dr. Dyah Mutiarin, M.Sc, who is also the Head of the UM3 LP3M Research Division, Dr. Dyah Mutiarin added that women’s leadership in tertiary institutions requires intervention from the political will of top management, which at this time is still dominated by men. Data in Indonesia, in general, shows that the number of female lecturers is still lower than the number of male lecturers, as well as in leadership in various positions and in academic careers. At this time, there are seen various obstacles for women in leadership. First, culturally women are more likely to withdraw from nominations. In addition, with the assumption of individual women who think that the main task of women is domestic work, so anything that is outside it is feared to disrupt the course of the family. Second, there are structural obstacles that for certain positions are considered better if occupied by men. Both developed countries like Germany and developing countries like Indonesia still experience gender disparities in tertiary institutions. On this occasion also, Dyah Mutiarin added that the Gender Seminar this time was still held despite the current situation of the outbreak of Covid-19, but the committee prepared very carefully and implemented procedures according to the government’s call for spraying disinfectants in each room, providing masks, participants use masks and provide hand sanitizers during the event.
Associate Professor Dr. Ied veda Sitepu, as the speaker at this Gender Workshop, expressed his appreciation to all participants who had participated in this event. This event in Yogyakarta is the second phase after the first phase of the event which was held at UKI on 1-5 December 2019 ago with the theme Women in Higher Education: Introducing Gender and Diversity in Teaching and Curricula. According to Associate Professor Dr. Ied, Two themes in the two DAAD alumni seminar series, namely Curriculum and Leadership in Gender Perspective, are very important to be on the agenda of strengthening gender issues, so that both the learning process and the leadership structure can achieve gender equity in their respective universities. In addition, Ied also added that women do have to increase their capacity and networking to be able to be counted and become leaders in their respective universities.
This Gender Seminar is also a networking event for DAAD alumni in pioneering managerial careers, especially in leadership in their respective universities. Thus the efforts that must be made are strengthening gender issues through training, and workshops in women’s leadership so that the Sense of Gender Equality Awareness for women and men is realized as well as leadership in universities that are closer to gender-responsive leadership. To realize this gender awareness, we need an environment where women’s leadership can be accepted among men because basically both women and men both have the same opportunity. For this reason, a gender-responsive leadership policy is needed that is applied to universities in Indonesia.