Commemorating Independence Anniversary, UMY Invites Charity Example KH. Ahmad Dahlan

August 20, 2019, oleh: superadmin

In commemoration of the 74th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY) held a flag ceremony at the front yard of the AR Fachrudin twin building on Saturday (17/8) at 07.00 WIB. The flag ceremony procession went smoothly and solemnly, followed by the lecturers, staff and students of UMY.
“We will never forget the struggle of the nation’s founding fathers, and Islamic leaders such as KH. Ahmad Dahlan who is also a historical actor in the founding of Muhammadiyah. Where for his services Indonesia’s independence could be wrested from the hands of the invaders. Not only that the development of Islam in Indonesia is also growing rapidly until now. This is one of his makruf roles, “said the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Alumni and AIK UMY, Hilman Latief, MA, PhD who was also the inspector of the independence ceremony this time.
On the other hand, Hilman also invited all educators at UMY to mobilize all his energy and thoughts to make a good product to be exhibited at the grand event of the 48th Muhammadiyah Congress, because with the diamond ideas of the educators, Hilman was convinced that UMY’s achievements will continue to increase. “It was proven last night that I got word on social media that UMY had risen to 35 universities in Indonesia. I hope that the official announcement about this good news will come to UMY soon, “he concluded. (Ads)