The Governance of Internationalization Program Benchmarking between Unismuh Makassar and UMY

July 13, 2017, oleh: superadmin

On Thursday, July 13, 2017, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar visited Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta to learn about the Governance of Internationalization Program Benchmarking. In this visit, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar led by the Dean of Faculty of Social and Political

MIP Accredited International by the Asia Pacific Society for Public Affairs

July 10, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Monday, July 10, 2017. Master Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah (MGAA /Magister Ilmu Pemerintahan/MIP) UMY has received International accreditation from Asia Pacific Society for Public Affairs (APSPA). The Master Program of Government Affairs and Administration became the first master program to gain international accreditation at UMY and gained appreciation from APSPA, as

MGAA UMY Strengthens Cooperation with Behavioral Science Department, De La Salle University, Philippines

June 3, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Saturday, June 3rd, 2017 In order to widen the international cooperation, MGAA UMY strengthens cooperation with various universities overseas, one of them is Philippines. Collaboration was established with Behavioral Science Department, De La Salle University, Philippines. Visitation of Professor De La Salle University Marlon De Luna Era Ph.D to MIP UMY was warmly welcomed by

Seminar: Development of Tourism-Based Area in Gunungkidul Regency

May 6, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Saturday, May 6, 2017. MIP UMY held a seminar “Development of Tourism-Based Area in Gunung Kidul Regency”, in this seminar that acts as a speaker is Vice Regent GundungKidul DIY Dr. Drs. Immawan Wahyudi, MH. He explained about the innovation of the local government in managing the branding of Gunungkidul Regency. In managing the branding

FGD: Law Formulation for Transparent and Accountable Elections

May 5, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Friday, May 5, 2017. Master Program of Government Affairs and Administration (MIP-UMY), an institution that has a spirit of maintaining democratic idealism, felt the necessity to contribute by holding a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme of “Law Formulation for Transparent and Accountable Elections” involving stakeholders including academics, practitioners and NGOs. In this FGD,

MIP Chapter: Social Media and Politics

May 4, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Thursday, May 4, 2017. MIP UMY held MIP Chapter with the topic discussed, “Social Media and Politics”. At this time, Anwar Kholid, S.IP., M.IP is the speaker explaining about political participation through social media in the presidential election of 2014. He explained how political participation is the main component within a democratic system. He also