The First Session of #MIPChapter: The Second Years of Leadership Jokowi-JK

October 21, 2016, oleh: superadmin

Monday, October 19, 2016, Magister program of Governmental affairs and Public administration officially started the activities of MIP Chapter. MIP Chapter implemented since 13.00-15.00 WIB in Postgraduate building on 3rd floor Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The event was attended by 29 students Magister Program of Governmental Affairs and Public Administration every batch which start from the

Public Lecture: Urgency of the Psychological Approach in Management, Education, and Social Politics

October 18, 2016, oleh: superadmin

Monday, October 17, 2016. The postgraduate program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta held public lectures on 4th-floor in the postgraduate building Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The theme of this public lecture is “Urgency of the psychological approach in management, education, and social politics and the speaker in this public lecture is Prof. Dr. Djamaluddin Ancok.  In this

Outbound and Night Familiarity of MIP UMY

October 9, 2016, oleh: superadmin

MIP UMY carry out routine activities outbound for MIP students batch 11 and 12 on Saturday and Sunday, 8-9 October 2016 at  Kembang Arum Tourism Village, Turi Sleman. The purpose of this activity is to introduce academic regulations, meet and greets of students,  and also outbound activities. The activity was opened by the Secretary of