A Partnership Meeting of the Electoral Management Body of Bantul Regency and MIP UMY

February 24, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Thursday, February 23, 2017, MIP UMY and Electoral management body of Bantul regency held a partnership meeting to prepare for Smart House Elections. In preparation of this smart House Elections discussed about the chronological history of the content of elections since 1955 until 2014 in presidential election. Then, it also added content about the elections in Indonesia. All of electoral management body of Bantul regency attend this meeting which led by Mohammad Johan Komara, SIP, as the Chairman of the Electoral management body of Bantul Regency. MIP’s Lecturer Muhammad Isnaini, MAP., said the need for innovation in smart House Elections. Meanwhile, a member of the Electoral Management Body Commissioner of Bantul Regency Istiyawatun Khasanah, SIP, stated the necessity of Smart House Elections which also accommodates the interests of disabled groups.