A Masters in Government Science from the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Holds Aisyiyah Community Based Ict Training

June 21, 2019, oleh: superadmin

The term ‘information technology’ began to be widely used in the mid-80s. This technology is a development of computer technology combined with telecommunications technology. The definition of the word ‘information’ itself is internationally agreed upon as ‘the results of data processing’ which in principle has more value or value than raw data.
Computers are the first form of information technology (embryo) that can process data into information. In more or less the same time, the progress of telecommunications technology is seen so rapidly, that it has been able to make the world feel smaller (reducing space and time = time and space). From this history it can be concluded that what is meant by information technology is a technology related to processing data into information and the process of channeling data / information within the boundaries of space and time. By adhering to this definition, it appears that computers are only one of the products in the information technology domain. Modem, Router, Oracle, SAP, Printer, Multimedia, Cabling System, VSAT, and so on, are examples of information technology products
In order to have the skills and capabilities of information technology, members of the organization need to get additional education and training as well as the provision of relevant skills. To be able to have the expertise and capabilities of information technology, members of the organization need to get additional education and training and provision of skills. . With the limitations of the Aisyiyah Segoroyoso Pleret Bantul Branch Manager in Collaboration with Aisyiyah DIY Regional Leaders in mastering information technology, this service activity is very relevant and significant to be carried out in order to increase the capacity of organizational leaders in mastering information technology to help the organization’s performance in the era the current information technology revolution. The event was carried out by UMY IP lecturers namely Dr. Dian Eka Rahmawati, SIP, MSI and Erni Zuhriyati, SS, SIP, MA with presenters Ahmad Machsuni, MT an Information Technology practitioner from Jakarta as well as members of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Council.