Public lectures: Implementation Service Licensing in the service of government licensing permissions Bantul Regency

November 24, 2016, oleh: superadmin

whatsapp-image-2016-11-23-at-1-46-12-pmWednesday, November 23, 2016, MGAA UMY held public lectures related licensing services in the Licensing Office of Bantul Regency. As many as 40 MGAA Students participated and followed the public lectures. As for the presenter in this public lecture section is the head of the service of government licensing permissions Bantul Regency (Khusnaeni Arifah, M. Si). She explained that in implementing the licensing service Office provides innovations are one day service and online licensing services which are based on the regulations of Governor DIY number 22 in 2016. He also explains the licensing service in 2017 will be transformed into capital investment and service agency which based on the local regulations number 12 in 2016 on the establishment and composition of the device area of Bantul Regency.