Prof. Haedar Nashir: Moderation of Middle Roads Facing Radicalism in Indonesia

December 17, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Indonesia in the last period seemed to be in an emergency ‘radical’ and ‘radicalism’. Radicalism which is devoted to terrorism has become the main issue and countermeasure agenda. Departing from this problem, it is important to study it primarily by using a sociological perspective to explain the problem of radicalization in Indonesia in depth. Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive Dr. H. Haedar Nashir, M.Sc., raised the discussion at the inaugural speech at the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Thursday (12/12).
A number of figures were present at the inauguration of Professor Haedar, such as former Vice President Jusuf Kalla, former Muhammadiyah PP Ketum Buya Syafii Maarif, Former Marine and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti. Also present were Coordinating Minister for PMK Muhadjir Effendy, Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi, Chairman of the PAN as well as Deputy Speaker of the Republic of Indonesia RI Zulkifli Hasan, Secretary-General of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle Hasto Kristiyanto, PAN Politician Hanafi Rais, Deputy Governor of DIY KGPAA Paku Alam X, and Kapolda DIY Inspector General of Police Ahmad Dofiri.
Haedar Nashir was inaugurated as the 14th UMY professor after delivering a speech with a discussion on Indonesian Moderation and Indonesian-ness: Perspective of Sociology, at the UMY Integrated Campus Sportorium. According to him the vigilant narratives of ‘jihadists’, ‘Khilafah’, ‘wahabi’, which were accompanied by various policies of widespread deradicalization in the public sphere. “Issues about mosques, campuses, state-owned enterprises, majelis taklim, and even Early Childhood Education Institutions (PAUD) are exposed to radicalism so strongly and openly in public space that causes national controversy,” he said.
The problem of radicalism is not a simple problem in any aspect in various countries, so it requires a broad and deep understanding so that it is not wrong in the way it looks and how to deal with it. “That would be wrong when interpreting radicalism and radicalism as synonymous with violence more or less the same as terrorism. Because basically history shows that radicalism occurs in many aspects and all social groups, “he explained.
Indonesia after the reformation actually experienced radicalization and exposure to radicalism in the power of ideology in the new system of liberalism and capitalism, more than just religious radicalism in national life. Ideological, political, economic and cultural radicalism is as problematic as religious radicalism or extremism for Indonesia’s future.
“Indonesia must be able to solve the problem of radicalism in political, economic, cultural and religious life in order to move forward according to national foundations, souls, thoughts, and ideals. I provide an alternative to moderation as an alternative way of deradicalization to be in line with Pancasila as the middle ideology and moderate character of the Indonesian nation to become a strategic reference in dealing with radicalism in Indonesia, “said Prof. Haedar, who also became a lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UMY.
Moderation of Indonesia and Indonesian-ness was considered an objective way in all aspects of national life such as politics, economy, culture, and religion. Indonesia must be freed from all forms of radicalism from the extreme pull towards liberalization and secularization and orthodoxy. “Radicals cannot be combated with radicals. As in the strategy of radicalization versus radicalization and deradicalism versus radicalism. If Indonesia wants to overcome radicalism in various aspects of its life, including in dealing with religious radicalism, “he concluded.
Former Vice-President of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla agreed with the presentation delivered by Haedar Nashir in his inaugural professor’s speech, that radicalism is indeed a challenge that must be faced in Indonesian society today. “We all agree that what Mr. Haedar said was very important, because when talking about the current issue among the public about radicalism. Radicalism is a new thought that they consider being critical, an example of reform is also a process of radicalism, the new order is the same. With the discussion presented earlier, hopefully, it will make us think and apply moderation as a middle way to face radicalism. I congratulate Mr. Haedar for the inauguration of this professor, “said Jusuf Kalla. (Hbb)