Score Increases, UMY Again Achieves Five-Star International Accreditation Quacquarelli Symond

August 20, 2019, oleh: superadmin
Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University (UMY) once again carved an achievement in the international arena. This time UMY won five stars in the category of Teacing (Teaching), Employability (Facilities), Facilities (Facilities), Social Responsibility (Social Responsibility) and Inclusiveness (Inclusiveness) issued by the External Audit of QS (Quacquarelli Symond). With this result, UMY has the right to get an accumulated score of 522 and get three stars for the overall institutional assessment. This decision was issued on 9 August 2019 in London, England. The score of 522 also increased from the previous evaluation where UMY won two stars for overall evaluation.
UMY Vice Chancellor for Collaboration and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc explained that this decision achieved what UMY had been targeting for the past three years. “Because this is the second audit result that we (UMY) received after 2015. These results are on target, because we are targeting three stars for overall assessment. This assessment cannot be separated from the categories that have been determined by QS. In the future, we will target even higher results, “he said when met in his office at the UMY Integrated Campus, Wednesday (8/14).
In order to achieve future targets, UMY will focus on the internationalization sector. Such as increasing the number of specialized international study programs, bringing in lecturers from abroad, increasing cooperation with educational institutions from various foreign countries and increasing foreign students who study at UMY regularly. “In the next three years we will focus on the international scene,” added Prof. Nurmandi again.
On different occasions, UMY QS Team Leader, Evi Rahmawati, SE, M.Acc., Ph.D., Ak., CA said that there were two categories that improved compared to the assessment a few years ago, namely in the Teaching category (Teaching and Staffing) and Employability (absorption of graduates).
“This time we got five stars in the Teaching and Staffing category. For the Teaching category, it was assessed from student satisfaction, awareness of UMY students to continue their education to a higher level and the ratio between lecturers and students was balanced. While in the category of Employability, it was assessed from the period of UMY graduates to get a job, then the company’s interest to provide employment information to UMY students and the existence of employment information channeling institutions at UMY called Career Development Center (CDC), “he added.
While in the Facilities, Facilities, Responsibility (Social Responsibility) and Inclusiveness (category) managed to maintain the five stars that have been achieved in previous assessments with quality that continues to improve. With this result, Evi is optimistic that UMY will be able to reach the target to sit at a foreign level. “Some of the categories we managed to maintain well and of course along with improving the quality we have,” concluded Evi. (ak)