MGAA Students Present Paper at 2019 "International Conference on Sustainable Innovation"

August 3, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta, Master of Government Science Student of the Postgraduate Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) had the opportunity to present his paper at the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2019 (ICoSI) organized by the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. on 30 – 31 July 2019 at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. The conference took the theme “Sustainable Innovation in the Disruptive Era” about improving technology and making digital transformations that change gradually and radically in the context of change every day. As a result, it changes the way people change, consume, and discuss each other, not to mention the way they think. One thing that promotes significant change is innovation. Humans are almost every human point of view. Within the reach of fingers people are able to build interactions or transactions around the world and real time with the advancement of the internet and mobile technological innovations that are constantly moving.
Prawira Yudha Pratama presented a paper entitled “politics and the state (the role of the state in the era of globalization) by analyzing state authority PERPRES No. 20 of 2018 on TKA (Foreign Workers)” and Erinda Alfiani Fauzi presented a paper called “Yogyakarta Government Communication in Malioboro Regional Arrangement in 2015 – 2016 ”
In his paper presentation, Yudha conveyed how the role of the state in regulating work entering Indonesia continued in 20 2018 making it easy for workers in Indonesia to enter here which could have been here with their influence with the ASEAN economic community or MEA or AEC.
while Erinda publishes papers on government communication patterns that are implemented in IYI in submitting aspirations to the community in development in DIY.
At this conference 925 participants from 15 countries participated. Topics discussed at this conference ISHERS International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies, ICIEFI International Conference on Islamic Economics and Financial Inclusion, ICISDe International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Age, ICoSA International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Symposium ISCEIE International Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering, ICONURS International Conference on Nursing, ICoELTIC International Conference for Teaching English, Literature & Linguistics, ISETH International Symposium on Engineering, Technology and Health Sciences, ASIAN-Col ASIA Conference on Comparative Law.
Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UMY, Gunawan explained what must be done. In principle all forms of development will regulate the balance of nature. Because of this it must be applied and useful to improve efficiency and improve as little as possible to aspects of life, he hopes to increase sustainability and provide tangible effects for the development of technology and values ​​to be passed on to the next generation. “Press Gunawan.