Student Master of Government Affairs and Administration Escapes Becoming a Legislative Member in Tulang Bawang

August 1, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Master of Government Affairs and Administration students still sit in the 5th semester to qualify to become a member of the legislature in Tulang Bawang Regency, Lampung for the period 2019-2024, in the 2019 Legislative Election. He became a member of the board at the age of 24, Ferly Sanjaya, S.A.P.
It was voted in the VII election area covering four sub-districts, namely Gedung Aji sub-district, Meraksa sub-district, Penawar Aji sub-district and Rawa Pitu sub-district. With 3,403 votes from the National Mandate Party (PAN), after the recapitulation was carried out after the Tulang Bawang KPU was implemented.
However, as a newcomer to the world of practical politics, he will still be open to being able to gain knowledge and experience from various circles. Especially from senior politicians who have indeed been involved in politics for a long time.
According to Ferly, “We as a nation’s regeneration should be concerned with the public interest. In my opinion, the nation’s generation is something that cannot be denied in the history of a nation’s journey. This is a necessity that will be a new historical record for our own lives. Make ourselves a momentum of improvement in the life of the state, nation and community “.
Moreover, the education that we get today, we have to apply it, especially our territory, at least the birth villages that we develop with new faces. And also what we do to our surroundings should never be made up, do it with sincerity of heart and make our career journey worship, Add Ferly