Alumni Strengthening, MIP Holds Alumni Gathering

July 30, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Master of Government Affairs and Administration held an “Alumni Gathering” on July 27, 2019 at Mbah Cemplung Fried Chicken Restaurant. in this activity was attended by the chairman of the master of government science study program Dr. Dian Eka Rahmawati, S.IP., M.Si, secretary of the government science master program Erni Zuhriyati, S.S., S.IP., MA accompanied by the Head of the Alumni Master of Science in Sakir, S.IP., M.Sc.
In this activity, as many as 20 MIP Alumni from all Indonesian officials gathered in the hospitality forum to strengthen commitment and provide input/suggestions to a master of Government Affairs and Administration.
According to the Head of Study Program, Alumni must contribute to accreditation forms, especially tracer studies. The selection of the best thesis that gets the A grade and the selected one will be made a book, and in the IPR right, it is expected that there will be an active and excellent contribution so that MIP will be better in the future,
As an embodiment, I am grateful because alumni up to now alumni have been able to contribute to MIP because the alumni have become much desired, Standard 9 is more about outcomes from lecturers or students, for 2017 students, please donate to the work as well as academics and non-academic, examples of nationally-acclaimed scientific works as well as public ones to newspapers, said Erni
According to the Alumni, MIP needs to make data, please find alumni who have become academics to be under their fields of knowledge. How is the curriculum under the work, Mapping the information zoning from where the area (promotion), the synergy between the MIP manager and the Alumni, Mip can facilitate the alumni related to alumni works?
Appreciation, MIP must be able to choose every year for alumni who have the top power to be given a reward, added Faisal.