UMY's Master of Government Science Lecturer Holds Service in Beginner Political Education at Muhammadiyah DIY Student Association

June 21, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Beginner’s Political Education was carried out by the Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Government Science lecturers, namely Erni Zuhriyati SS, SIP, MA and Dian Eka Rahmawati, SIP, MSI Service was filled with material on the Urgency of Democracy and Election Workshop with speakers David Efendi SIP, MSI and Edward Pahlevi , SIP. From this service focus activities on strengthening the capacity of organizational leaders in conducting Beginner Political Education at the Muhammadiyah DIY Student Association. The training seeks to provide insight into politics to the participants who will later become assistants in political activities, especially in carrying out advocacy or monitoring efforts on the Presidential General Election and Election of the Legislative General.
In the midst of the current democratization and political freedom there has been apathy among the beginner voters. The phenomenon of political apathy, known as the White Group (Golput) is quite alarming for the development of quality democracy. This can paralyze democracy. To anticipate and provide solutions to the decline in citizen participation in using voting rights, communication programs need to be improved as part of political education that emphasizes the cognitive and behavioral dimensions. Therefore, communication plays an important role in every political education program. The increasing number of abstentions in each election in Indonesia can be caused by many factors. One of them is the quality of political education to beginner voters
Political parties in this case Election participants have not been much involved in empowering the Beginner Voters’ potential. There are many factors including the lack of awareness from political parties that they are a great potential in gaining votes. Their involvement in the political constellation is still low so their interaction with political parties is still low. Besides that, there are not many party cadres who come from beginner voters, so this causes a disparity between party activities and the interest in talent possessed by these novice voters. Service is filled with material on the Urgency of Democracy and Election Workshop.
Furthermore, it seems that community organizations have the opportunity to carry out political education to overcome the impasse of political education for novice voters which should be carried out by political parties and KPU. The Muhammadiyah Youth Association Organization as part of Muhammadiyah which has Muhammadiyah student members from around 75 Muhammadiyah high school in DIY, is a strategic partner to mobilize a spirit of concern for the urgency of elections that are intelligent and have integrity. The Beginning Political Education Training of Trainers at the Muhammadiyah DIY Student Association will carry out training, mentoring, debriefing and empowerment so as to produce election care volunteers with integrity