The First Session of #MIPChapter: The Second Years of Leadership Jokowi-JK

October 21, 2016, oleh: superadmin


Monday, October 19, 2016, Magister program of Governmental affairs and Public administration officially started the activities of MIP Chapter. MIP Chapter implemented since 13.00-15.00 WIB in Postgraduate building on 3rd floor Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The event was attended by 29 students Magister Program of Governmental Affairs and Public Administration every batch which start from the 8 until 12 batches. MIP Chapter inaugurates not only followed by the regular class students but also followed by the executive class. The event opened with the exposure of the plan activities MIP Chapter in the future by the Coordinator of the MIP Chapter. Coordinator of the MIP Chapter is Muhammad Qur’anul which is a student of Magister program of governmental affairs and public administration batch 11, and also be a facilitator in the first discussions of MIP Chapter. Discussions began with the exposure of the material by the facilitator briefly about President Joko Widodo, political issues of governance that occurred during the second years of leadership Jokowi-JK, claims the success of era Jokowi-JK, and others.