Public Lecture: Best Practice of Berau Regency in Achieving Regional Progress

October 21, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Friday, October 20, 2017 MIP UMY conducted Public Lecture activity with the theme: Best Practice of Berau Regency in Achieving Regional Progress. The Speaker at this event is H. Muharram, S.PD., MM. as the Regent of Berau Regency of East Kalimantan Province and moderated by Erni Zuhriyati, S.S., S.IP., MA as lecturer of MIP UMY. The event started with the signing of MOU between Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta with Berau District Government. Furthermore, in public lecture activity, Berau Regent explained that the most important thing which needed by the society was more prosperous life. There were three categories that are focused on Berau district in realizing a prosperous society, those were a program focused on the poor, nursing homes, and social assistance.

In addition, he emphasized the existence of capital assistance for young people in Berau regency. At the end of the event, the Regent of Berau gave his testimony related to the event held by Master Program of Government Affairs and Administration UMY, “This event is very useful for the students of Government Science because it can directly discuss with practitioners who have direct experience and expected this event will be continued “he explained.