Outbound and Night Familiarity of MIP UMY

October 9, 2016, oleh: superadmin

dsc06661MIP UMY carry out routine activities outbound for MIP students batch 11 and 12 on Saturday and Sunday, 8-9 October 2016 at  Kembang Arum Tourism Village, Turi Sleman. The purpose of this activity is to introduce academic regulations, meet and greets of students,  and also outbound activities. The activity was opened by the Secretary of the Department and fill introductory academic orientation and introductions of the batches. Besides, these activities are also filled with the introduction of curriculum and the lecturers research road map by the Head of MIP UMY.  This outbound is also as a forum to tie between batches in a strong esprit de corps as MIP family related with the theme of this year called “I am MIP”.