UMY Held Global Benchmark Global Workshop

August 26, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Friday, August 25, 2017. UMY held Global Benchmark Global Workshop at AR Fachruddin B, 5th Floor, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. Keynote speaker in this workshop is Prof. Sunhyuk Kim from Korea University, Ph.D. The purpose of this workshop was held, because the development of the university is an important part of the path towards achieving high-performance universities in the global competition of higher education institutions today.

To accelerate high-performing universities, it is necessary to apply a modern set of university governance that embraces the principles of accountability, responsibility and adaptability within the university as well as to its stakeholders and clients.

Since UMY has set a vision to become a research university from 2020-2025, its basic rationality is what infrastructure is needed? In line with its vision and mission, UMY wants to benchmark with Korea University (KU) as a private university where Korean higher education market is similar to Indonesia.

Therefore, MIP UMY seeks to improve the quality of research towards UMY as a research university.