Signing MoU between APSPA and KAPSIPI – ADIPSI

August 23, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Tuesday, 22 August 2017. APSPA has signing MOU with 2 association, they were KAPSIPI and ADIPSI. The event took place at the opening ceremony of the International Conference on Public Organization at Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN), Jatinangor, Bandung.
In signing MoU ceremony between APSPA with ADIPSI and KAPSIPI, APSPA is represented by President of APSPA Prof. Amporn Tamronglak, Ph.D), from ADIPSI (Indonesian Lecturer Association for Govenmental Study Program) was represented by Dr. Dyah Mutiarin, M.Si. on behalf of Dr. Titin Purwaningsih as the Chairwoman and KAPSIPI (Indonesian Association for Government Affairs Study Program) was represented by Chairman of KAPSIPI Prof. Dr. Drs. H. Utang Suwaryo, M.A.
The focus of this cooperation between APSPA with ADIPSI and KAPSIPI is to promote the collaborations and international understanding, scholarly collaboration, cultural interaction and friendship by supporting educational, professional and cultural activities among faculty and students of the two parties. With this collaboration is also expected to strengthen, promote and develop Academic Collaboration between the Parties on the basis of Equality and mutual benefit.