MIP-UMY in Collaboration with KPUD Bantul, IRE, and Kesbangpol Bantul District in Their Dedication to the Community Formulated the Pioneer Village of Democracy

August 7, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Monday, August 7, 2017. MIP-UMY in collaboration with KPUD DIY, IRE, and Kesbangpol Bantul District in their dedication to the community formulated the pioneer village of democracy. The purpose of this program is to ensure that all elements of the village community have a high level of political awareness, which can be measured by the level of political participation during the general election.

 It was highlighted that the main entrance gate in substantial democracy must to have a credible and accountable leader.Therefore, for the early stages of the pioneer village of democracy, it will be run in several villages in Bantul district. This is an effort to reach into the grassroots and sow democracy in villages.