Exchange Students from Khon Kaen University Visited KPUD, Bantul

May 3, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Tuesday, 2nd of May 2017, MGAA UMY had brought the nine exchange students from Khon Kaen University for a lecture about the Electoral process of Indonesia in Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah (KPUD), Bantul. KPUD is the electoral management body of Bantul Regency. The KKU students were composed of four MPA students and five PhD students. They were also lead by the Chairperson of the Master and Doctoral Program of Public Administration of KKU. The lecture was conducted by Mr. Muhammad Johan Komara, the head commissioner of the Electoral Management Body of Bantul. The lecture talked about the history, rules, and the processes of the election in Indonesia. The KKU students had a very engaging discussion and had participated in asking questions to the KPUD. The discussion is part of the academic activities set up for the exchange students from KKU. KKU students were also walked through a simulation of the electoral process by going through step by step. The activity is part of the realization of an internationalized vision of knowledge-sharing and academic exposure for both UMY and KKU.