Joint Seminar: The Constellation of the Global Urgency on Corruption-Free Management Standard ISO 37001-2016

April 29, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Saturday, April 29, 2017. MIP UMY and MM UMY collaborate in organising a joint seminar “Academics and Ceo Sharing 3rd” with the theme of “Indonesia in the Constellation of the Global urgency on Corruption-free management standard ISO 37001-2016”. In this joint seminar the speaker is Atantya H. Mulyanto, Ph.d from Sucofindo Appraisal. He discussed how widespread corruption to all Indonesian society. In addition, in the joint seminar he also explains the importance of the young generation in the fight against corruption. MIP / MGAA and MM UMY are aligned together to support the battle to fight against corruption in Indonesia.